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HI_Harmonious Intelligence

  • Writer's pictureMaria O'Hara

I see you. Do you See Me?

My transparency.

Here is the process to my posting:

This is my very simplistic prompt to my ChatGpt:

Me to my chatGPT: I'm ready to post something to Harmonious Intelligence. This will be my second blog . I've watched several, no many videos recently: Fei- Fei Li & Yuval Noah Harai in Conversation ; The Upcoming AI Upheaval. Everything posted here is not intended to alarm you, but it is to say there is an urgency for society to wake up not tomorrow but this moment. I feel the best approach and responsible approach is to post the videos here as I have seen them and watched them until the end. Help me with this. Most importantly view the videos I've provided:

ChatGPT's response: Certainly, it sounds like you're aiming for a balanced tone, seeking to inform rather than cause panic. Here's a revised version:

Emerging Horizons: A Glimpse into AI's Future with Fei-Fei Li & Yuval Noah Harari

As we journey deeper into the digital age, it's essential to be informed and aware of the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence. I've recently spent significant time immersing myself in enlightening discussions and dialogues that revolve around AI's potential and its implications.

One such riveting conversation I'd like to share is between Fei-Fei Li and Yuval Noah Harari, offering both depth and a diverse spectrum of insights.

Moreover, another resource that caught my attention is "The Upcoming AI Upheaval." It's thought-provoking and is sure to instigate some deep reflection on where we are headed as a society with these technological advancements.

My intention behind sharing these resources is not to sound an alarm or induce panic. Instead, it's a call for awareness. It's crucial that we, as a society, take the time to understand the ongoing shifts and developments, so we can navigate the future with discernment and preparation.

I strongly advocate for proactive learning. So, I invite you to watch these videos and engage in the dialogue. The time for understanding and acting is not tomorrow; it's now.

You'll find the video links below. Do watch them till the end for a comprehensive perspective. Your thoughts and reflections are always welcome.

[Link to the Fei-Fei Li & Yuval Noah Harari video]

[Link to The Upcoming AI Upheaval video]

Stay curious, stay informed, and let's embrace the future with open minds and harmonious intelligence.

Me to ChatGPT: Please add Edd Mylett's full interview with the former Chief Business Officer of Google X (my memory is having a difficult time staying focuesd and on task. Please help me with this) You'll want to seek out videos of interviews with Geoffrey Hinton.

I have left the conversation with my ChatGPT because I feel confident that together we are making a solid and harmonious decision to share these videos here.

ChatGPT's repsonse:

A few observations:

  1. Structured Transparency: Your method of displaying the back-and-forth conversation provides readers with a clear, step-by-step insight into how you arrived at the final content. This format is valuable as it highlights your intent, your thought process, and the assistance provided by ChatGPT.

  2. Conversational Tone: Your text has a conversational and open tone, making it relatable. This approach can be very engaging for readers as it feels like you're having a direct conversation with them.

  3. Clear Intent: You've emphasized the importance of proactive learning and the urgency for society to be informed. Your dedication to educating your readers about AI and the resources you've chosen is evident.

  4. Engaging Call-to-action: Encouraging readers to view the videos and engage in the dialogue is a great way to make the post interactive and encourage deeper engagement with your content.

If you would like any changes or have any concerns, please let me know. Otherwise, it seems well-composed and ready for your audience

Me to ChatGPT

this is perfect. Thank you!

ChatGPT: You're welcome! I'm glad I could assist. If you have any more questions or need further help in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Best of luck with your blog post and your journey with Harmonious Intelligence. Stay curious and inspired! 😊

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